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DuPont Awards WPL

DuPont honors WPL

It was a big week for Weatherization Partners, Ltd., (WPL) at the National DuPont Specialist Conference held in Tempe, Arizona.

WPL, the Dallas, Texas-based marketer and distributor of specialty building materials, was honored for the third consecutive year with the 2022 DuPont National Distributor of the Year award.

Nominated along with Monsma Marketing, OrePac Building Products, Parksite, and RW  Specialties, the award is for outstanding service, demand creation, and market growth.

The criteria include corporate integrity, community stewardship, respect for customers,  initiative, passion, creativity, business planning, and market leadership.

WPL won the award due to some of the following accomplishments:
  • Focus on a strategic sales process of converting and training the construction trades to become advocates for DuPont  Tyvek  building solutions and overcoming objections.
  • Executed DuPont  Styrofoam  and  DuPont Tyvek wrap builder strategy by working with  DuPont National Builder team to convert traditional building paper builders in the southwest to DuPont building solutions.
  • Grew DuPont  Flashing purchases by 35% and DuPont Tyvek wrap purchases by 60%.
  • Continued to be a leader in developing leads for the DuPont thermal portfolio and was an active voice in the DuPont Marketing Council.

Thomas David Evans, business director – Americas for DuPont Performance Building  Solutions — announced the award in Tempe at the National Awards dinner.

“DuPont is a great partner…and to my team, I have the best team in the world,  they are like family,” David Faulkner, CEO of WPL, said while accepting the award. To the distributors, we all have such a great relationship, the leadership  amongst the distributor principles is as good a leadership as you will find in any industry. If you  are working for any of them, you are learning from the best, and I couldn’t be happier to be in  this group.”

Thomas Evans and Don Ogle WPL
Thomas Evans presents WPL’s Don Ogle with national DuPont Residential Specialist of the Year award.

Earlier in the evening, Evans, awarded Don Ogle, senior certified DuPont Building Envelope Specialist for Central Texas, as the national DuPont Residential Specialist of the Year.

Candidates for this award must meet a minimum of 20% total sales revenue growth and must demonstrate core values of participating in local councils and leadership roles.

Highlights of Don Ogle’s accomplishments include:

  • Growth in DuPont Tyvek wrap by 38% and DuPont  Flashing by 48%.
  • Built strong partnerships with his framers to increase multi-family and single-family projects.
  • Helped to convert National Builder customers to Great Stuff  Construction Adhesive.
  • Increased DuPont roofing portfolio sales.
  • Instructed at several high school building trade programs to teach students the importance of air and moisture management in wall systems, and presents an annual Moisture Management session at the Austin HBA.

Don Ogle has been a specialist at WPL for more than12 years and has over 25 years of experience in the building trades.

WPL is a family-owned business and operates from its distribution center in Dallas, covering 12 states.